Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tank You for "The Tank"

Greetings family, friends, and random internet people who find this blog.  Bethany and I are still alive and we're continuing to blog.  In recent news we've obtained a car/van/suv which came with the nickname of "The Tank" with the reasoning being it's green and sort of square.  It's quite the hoopty and runs on LPG which is basically propane.  The good news is that LPG is a lot cheaper than regular fuel.  LPG usually runs about a dollar or so a litter while regular fuel is near 2 dollars a litter.  
Yesterday we drove the tank up to Seoul to eat some good food and look at Cherry Blossoms.  We ate a great Mexican restaurant called Taco Amigo and went to a foreign foods grocery store and bought a lot of things we can't get around where we live.  I never would have thought canned tomato soup would be a luxury item.  The Tank did great and we saw some beautiful cherry blossoms.  I don't think we'll be going to Seoul very often though for a few reasons; 1) There is virtually no parking in Seoul and when you finally do find parking it's outrageously expensive.  We paid $4 for 40 minutes of parking 2) It takes about 2 hours to get there with no traffic 3) The traffic in Seoul is unbelievably bad as is their driving.  
Tonight we're going into the "city" to meet some people and play some board games.  It'll be our first social function since leaving Jeju and we're hoping to make some new friends.  The community in "The city" is a lot smaller than Jeju and the community where we live is pretty much nonexistent.  There are other foreigners living out here but they mostly keep to themselves or participate in the city's community.  But in possibly good news we might be moving to the city because there are not enough classes for two teachers so they want to move one teacher out here and move us to the city and have us work in the next city over from the city we'll be living in.  The bad part of that is, we'll have to give up our huge apartment for a much smaller one, but it's a trade off.  If we live in the city we'll be able to do things on the weekend without having to drive 30-40 minutes first.  This plan isn't set in stone yet and we'll definitely be living in BFE for the first month.  

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