Sunday, March 9, 2014

Plan B

Sometimes plans are laid out so nicely and so precisely that it's hard to say when and where they came undone. Our journey to Seoul lasted an entire week. I spent most of the job feeling like a failure because I wasn't able to cope with how bad the job was.
Lance and I were given a really terrible apartment, which we had to clean and when we tried to fight back against the company breaking our contract we were accused of 'being negative.' The ways the job was terrible have been told and retold now about a million times, and documenting them here and now won't do anybody any good.
Lance and I knew going into the job that there was a chance it wouldn't work out. We even created an easy out for ourselves by not accepting any payment to help us get to Seoul. We owed the school nothing and we knew that we might need an out when we took the job because Hagwons (after school academies) are notorious for breaking the law and sometimes abusing their foreign staff.  So by day three, when the director told us that moving into a permeant apartment was getting pushed back by a week again, we'd had enough. Instead of going to the hospital to get a health check up for a visa we walked away from the job. We packed our stuff and flew back home.
Home for now is a little island in the pacific. We've found great friends on Jeju who have done more for us that we could possibly imagine or ever thank them for. Everyone in our life has been so supportive and helpful.
Lance and I are now in the process of getting on a D10 visa which will allow us to stay in Korea for up to 6 months while we look for work. We have seriously contemplated heading stateside to figure things out, and that might happen still, but for now we're going to try again on the job front. We're going to see what we can find and cross our fingers that this one will be better. Hopefully, with the love and guidance of our friends, we'll be able to find a better school this time around.
Everyone at home, please don't worry. We're okay. We're doing fine. Things will be okay for us because we have each other.

P.S. We finally get to see Jeju's fire festival tomorrow! We missed it last year because we were new in town and we thought we'd miss it this year because we'd be in Seoul. Maybe it was meant to be.

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