Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sinful Weekend: Pizza, Hamburgers, Sex

Domino's Pizza

This week we found out there was a Domino's Pizza near us and man were we as happy as could be.  Pizza in Korea is mediocre at best and the only way to get a semi-decent pizza is to find an American Pizza company who has a store in Korea (Mainly Pizza Hut, and as we recently discovered Domino's).  We don't know how to order so we picked up a pizza from the store and took a taxi home (which cost the same as taking the bus believe it or not).  The Pizza we got was great, we got two flavors: Deutschland and Potato Bacon.  The German Pizza was advertised as having Sauerkraut, but there was a distinct lack of sauerkraut. It was also covered in honey mustard.  The Potato pizza is standard fare in Korea and has Potato, Bacon, and sometimes mayonnaise.  The pizza came with two packs of sweet pickles, also standard in Korea, and hot sauce.     


So Last night Bethany and I were feeling extremely lazy and after failing at Ordering Domino's we decided against our better Judgement to try and order McDonald's delivery service, McDelivery (Yes that is what is actually called).  We both chose to order MegaMacs (Double, double stacked Big Macs) with Fries and a medium coke.  And within 30 minutes it was delivered right to our door.

Jeju Love Land

A warning to Family and Friends the next section of pictures is slightly inappropriate if not mildly childish.  I'm giving a fair warning, please do not judge us for what you are about to see.  On Friday afternoon Bethany and I ventured to Jeju Love Land.  This is a sculpture and "Educational" park.  When we visited it was full of Chinese tourists taking pictures.  It was actually kind of amusing to see some of the older people giggling at penises.  There was even a sex shop inside one of the exhibit halls with everything from condoms and vibrators to penis shaped tea sets.  There was an Korean woman inside who made Bethany and I feel a vibrating cock ring and then exclaimed that it was #1.  I turned the most lovely shade of red.  The funniest part is that there is more than one of these on Jeju, though the other one is considered to be "more educational" according to our coordinator.  If you think you are brave enough to view these pictures keep scrolling if not just stop here.

The Pictures

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